fredag den 10. september 2010

I DO have quite a lot of posts, BUT...

I cant post them because I have to use the familys pc, hence I also cant really figure out how to use theirkeyboard. Sorry! Furthermore, their pc is a little slow, and as my patience is pretty limited, I wont be making a long post.

Youll have to wait until I find some place with wifi before you can hear about my first week in Japan.
Ill probs only be frequently updating my blog in two weeks, when I travel by myself. In Hokkaido I probs wont be posting either.

In short, I live with a really nice family, get up at 5.30 or 6 most mornings, work about 6 hours and go to bed, and then I also meet a lot of nice people!

Well, I really just wanted to tell everyone that Im still alive, I guess.

See ya all!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Godt at høre fra dig her også :) vil følge spændt med!! knus fra søs

  2. Nice at se du er ok, du gik ellers glip af en mega vild træningslejr :)
    glæder mig til at høre mere fra din tur. :)

  3. Rart du stadig lever :P Håber du har det godt i Japan Rikke! Og glæder mig også emget til at høre, hvad du går og laver derovre.
    Personligt har jeg gjort rent på E4 i dag ;) Du kan tro det var noget af en oplevelse. Lidt af et adrenalinkick :P
    Bed og arbejd!!! ;) (HAHA)
    Kram fra Bøhgit.
