tirsdag den 21. september 2010

21/9 - A Day for a Prayer

Let’s start from the beginning. Got up, planted freesia for a few hours. You remember aaall the holes we pricked in the plastic yesterday, right? –In each of those, a freesia bulb would be dug down, by hand of course. The way I had to stand kinda cut blood circulation in my legs, to the point where I was close to falling because I couldn’t feel my legs properly. That was a first! Managed though.

Lunch break, went for a ride to the playground, and found a new vending machine drink! It was a cider; I felt like having some bubbles, and it was quite tasty and refreshing; Mitsuya Cider! The brand (Asahi) is mostly known for beer, I believe. That’s what I know it for.

When I got home, I met an animal you don’t encounter at home; a (praying, hence today’s title) mantis. Wasn’t big, but I think it’s tmy second time seeing one IRL. I think I remember seeing one with my dad, once we were on holiday in Italy some years ago.
It was kind enough to look into the camera; I’ll admit I was a little worried it might decide to attack in some way; don’t know the intelligence level of a mantis, so who knows; it might have been stupid enough to do it, if I had gotten much closer. It was definitely on guard!
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Btw, today was exceptionally hot. It almost hurt to be exposed to the sun; if there hadn’t been a little wind, it would have been unbearable!

Well, tomorrow will be my last real day of work; going to a festival in a neighbouring town on the 23rd, and then I’ll be on my way in the morning of the 24th. Exciting stuff!

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